DECEMBER 9, 2022
Main Information

Prime Venue

Syria Medicare 2025 will be held at Damascus Int’l Fair Venue (Airport Road), which is considered one of the most modern exhibition venues in the middle east, it occupies 1.2 million sq.m with in addition distributed tracts showrooms, the Fairground is closed by to the conference palace center.

facilities and services and green spaces in the following form:

- Building exhibition space: 63.000 Sq.m .
- open exhibition spaces: the convergence of 150.000 sq.m .
- Business Center – Bank – fire station – three security buildings.
- business center Permanent 2725 sq.m + Permanent press 2725 sq.m center.
- 10 parking (for up to 1.800 cars) total area of 11,000 sq.m.
- Telecommunications services and monitoring: electronic monitoring system, WIFI internet services

About Us

The company was established in 1992, on a foundation and combined experience in organizing exhibitions and conferences inside and outside Syria. With this strong base, UIEC …Read more